Group Insurance Plan Book
and Options
The options available to you from Dean Health Plan depend on the plan selected by your employer. Please talk to your
benefits administrator to learn about specific options selected for you and your co-workers.
Traditional Copay and Deductible Options
Our traditional plans are for members who visit the doctor frequently and prefer to pay copays for each visit, rather
than pay higher up-front deductibles. Each plan offers a variety of deductible and coinsurance levels, without
sacrificing quality health care. And with affordable copays on regular office visits and specialist appointments
anywhere in the Dean network, you can concentrate on staying healthy.
Health Reimbursement Account (HRA) Plans
Your employer may offer Health Reimbursement Accounts (HRAs). An HRA is an employer-sponsored plan that can
be used to reimburse a portion of your out-of-pocket health care expenses, as well as your eligible family members’
expenses, such as deductibles, coinsurance and pharmacy expenses.
An HRA is not an insurance program; it is a financial reimbursement plan funded by your employer. Your employer
funds a specific dollar amount to credit to the account, either through monthly or annual contributions. You choose
which out-of-pocket qualified health care expenses you would like to submit for reimbursement.
How it Works
1. As you incur health care expenses, claims are processed under the insurance plan through Dean Health
Plan. You are responsible for paying your portion of any deductibles.
2. Your claims information will need to be submitted to your plan’s HRA administrator. Depending on your plan,
claims information may be sent electronically on your behalf, or you may be required to submit your receipts
to the HRA administrator. Talk to your employer’s human resources or benefits coordinator about how your
claims should be filed.
3. After the HRA administrator has your claims information, it will contact your employer with the amount(s) to
be reimbursed. Then your employer will release the funds.
4. The HRA administrator will send a check directly to your home, or direct deposit the funds into your
bank account.
Health Savings Accounts (HSA)-Eligible Plans
These are high-deductible health plans (HDHPs) that provide the benefit of coverage for high-quality care but with a
lower monthly premium price due to the higher plan deductible. This option allows you to set aside funds in a health
savings account (HSA) for medical expenses and may provide tax benefits. If you are offered an HDHP, check with
your employer to see if it is partnering with a bank or financial institution that provides HSA administration.