The following network options may be available to you, depending on what plan(s) your employer selected. Please talk
with your human resources or benefits department to understand which of these options are available to you.
Dean Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) Network
Think of the Dean network as a
health care system that works
hand-in-hand with hospitals and
doctors across southern Wisconsin
to serve you better. The Dean
network focuses on integrated
care from trusted providers in
20 counties, with your primary
care provider serving as your first
point of contact for all aspects
of your health care. This means
health insurance and health care
providers work together to offer a
comprehensive benefit plan that’s
easy to use.
Point of Service
(POS) Network
The POS plan offers the benefits
of an HMO (lower costs at network
providers), with the option to see
out-of-network providers if necessary. When you receive care from a Dean network provider, you will enjoy lower out-
of-pocket costs than when going out-of-network.
Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) Network
If you live outside the Dean network, our PPO plan gives you access to a larger footprint of providers. PPO expands
your plan’s service area to include a broader network of providers, specialists and hospitals. By visiting your PPO plan’s
providers, you’ll avoid additional charges that you would otherwise experience with an out-of-network provider.
The Focus Network
This network is similar to an HMO, but offers a smaller network
of providers. The Focus network features only the Dean providers
in Dane, Rock and Sauk counties. This plan provides access to St.
Mary’s Hospital in Madison, St. Clare Hospital in Baraboo, Stoughton
Hospital and St. Mary’s Janesville Hospital. In addition, the Focus
network contains unique specialty providers, such as skilled nursing
facilities, chiropractors, optometrists, laboratories and pediatric vision
hardware providers.