Go Online!
Dean Health Plan’s pharmacy site has everything you need to know
about prescription drug coverage. Visit
• Our formulary listing of covered medications.
• View the Quick Reference Guide.
• Check out the complete drug exclusion list.
Drug Coverage
Dean Health Plan offers programs to make filling prescriptions easier and save you money along the way. Prescription
coverage benefits vary from plan to plan – please read your plan information for more specific information.
Pharmacy Formularies and Tiers
Dean Health Plan has a formulary, or list, of FDA-approved brand-name and generic drugs that have been reviewed and
recommended for their quality and how well they work. Because the drugs in Dean Health Plan’s formulary are revised
from time to time, it’s a good idea to check the list to find out if drugs have been added or removed.
The formulary is sorted into tiers. There are several factors that determine a drug’s tier, including:
• Cost of drug
• Cost of drug in comparison to other drugs used for the same type of treatment
• Availability of over-the-counter options
• Other clinical and cost factors
Save Time with a Three-Month Supply
When you take advantage of a three-month supply for your long-term medications, you skip the hassle of going to your
local pharmacy every month. It’s easy to get started. Just ask your doctor to prescribe a three-month supply, have the
order sent to your pharmacy of choice and pick up your prescription just once every three months.
Cut Costs with Generic Medication
When you take the generic version of your medication, you experience significant savings over brand-name drugs.
Dean Health Plan offers a Generic Sampling Program that allows you to try certain generic medications at no charge.
If your medication qualifies for the Generic Sampling Program, ask your doctor to write a prescription for a 30-day
trial supply, and the first time you fill it, your prescription is free. Visit
deancare.com/medicationsto see if your
medication is eligible.
You Split the Tablet, We’ll Split the Copay
Some medications are eligible for tablet splitting. This means you can save up to 50 percent on your medication
copayment or coinsurance by splitting your pills. Visit
deancare.com/medications to see if your medication is eligible
for tablet splitting.
Take Advantage of Mail-Order Pharmacy
Dean Health Plan partners with WellDyneRx to provide members with mail-order pharmacy for long-term medications.
With mail-order pharmacy, you are sent up to a three-month supply—with free shipping.