Group Insurance Plan Book
How Dean Protects This Information
We limit the collection of nonpublic personal information to that which is necessary to administer our business, provide
quality service, and meet regulatory requirements. We maintain physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards that
comply with federal regulations to safeguard your nonpublic personal information. We limit the internal use of oral,
written, and electronic nonpublic personal information about you and ensure that only authorized staff and business
associates with the need to know have access to it. We maintain safeguards for your nonpublic personal information
and review them regularly to protect your privacy.
Your Health Information Rights
1. Right to Request Restrictions.
You have the right to request restrictions on certain uses and disclosures of
your health information.
2. Right to Request Confidential Communications.
You have the right to receive your health information
through a reasonable alternative means or at an alternative location.
3. Right to See and Copy.
You have the right to see and copy certain health information about you.
4. Right to Correct Records.
You have a right to request that Dean correct certain health information held by
Dean if you think it is incorrect or incomplete.
5. Right to Accounting of Disclosures.
You have the right to receive a list or “accounting of disclosures” of
your health information made by us in the past six years. The list will not include disclosures made for purposes of
treatment, payment, health care operations, or certain other disclosures (such as those you asked us to make).
6. Right to Copy of Notice.
You have a right to receive a paper copy of this Notice at any time.
7. Right to be Notified of a Breach.
You will be notified in the event of a breach of your unsecured protected
health information.
Changes to this Notice of Privacy Practices
Dean may change this Notice from time to time and make the new provisions effective for all nonpublic personal
information we maintain, including information we created or received before the change. Dean will always comply
with the current version of this Notice.
Please submit complaints about this Notice or how we handle your health information, in writing, to our Privacy Officer.
Dean will not hold any complaint you submit against you in any way. In addition, if you believe your privacy rights have
been violated, you may file a complaint with the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
If you have questions, complaints, or want to exercise any of your health information rights, call the Customer Care
Center at
(800) 279-1301
or contact us at the following address:
Privacy Officer
PO Box 56099
Madison, Wisconsin 53705
The effective date of this notice is August 22, 2014.